
Anxiety can take many forms from purely mental like excessive worrying to purely physical like the terror of a panic attack. It can be specific, as in phobias or general where day to day challenges can seem insurmountable. We all feel anxiety from time to time, but when it interferes with living your life, it may be time to seek help.

There are medications that help manage anxiety, but the most effective interventions are learned in psychotherapy. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) alone or in combination with mindfulness based techniques are effective treatments for generalized anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks and phobias. Campanula Psychological Services can work with you to target your anxiety symptoms and develop effective strategies to reduce the intensity of and better cope with the experience of anxiety.

Peaceful balance with an orchid flower, rocks and bamboo

We offer 30 minute confidential consultations free of charge. You can book a consultation directly through the button below or initiate a conversation through email with the contact button. Whichever method feels best for you, reach out to begin developing a collaborative and personalized plan for reaching your goals.