Managing Emotions: a DBT Skills Training Group

Managing Emotions is a skill development group for those who want to learn healthy ways of expressing and experiencing emotions. Through a combination of practice and discussion, this six session online group focuses on developing Dialectical Behaviour Therapy’s (DBT) basic skills: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness.

DBT skills were initially developed to help individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder better manage their emotions, thoughts and behaviours. DBT skills training has since proven helpful to anyone who struggles with strong and distressing emotions and the unhealthy behaviours and ways of thinking those emotions can trigger.

Participants will be invited to explore and understand their feelings and learn new ways to manage or cope with them. The focus of the group is building skills, rather than venting or processing emotions.

Join us

2024 Starting Dates and Times

2025 Dates will be posted soon!

FULL Tuesday, September 17 6:00 – 7:30 pm. (September 17 & 24, October 3, 10, 17 &24 )

FULL Wednesday, October 30 6:00 – 7:30 pm (October 30, November 6, 13, 20 & 27, December 4)

Cost: $300 for the entire six session program.

If you are experiencing financial hardship, we have flexible cost options. Please inquire.

Unsure if the group is for you? Need to discuss cost options? Not sure if you are comfortable with the online environment? Have questions you need answers to? Arrange an online meeting with the presenter.

Outline – Managing Emotions

Session 1 – Mindfulness Skills

How to pay attention, on purpose, in the present moment

Session 2 – Emotion Regulation 1

Understanding emotions

  • The role of emotions in our lives
  • Recognizing emotions
  • Barriers to healthy emotions

Session 3 – Emotion Regulation 2

Strategies for regulating emotions.

  • Reducing vulnerability to overwhelming emotions
  • Increasing positive emotions
  • Mindfulness of current emotions
  • Taking opposite action

Session 4 – Distress Tolerance 1

Skills for tolerating and surviving intense emotions

  • Distraction
  • Self-soothing
  • Improving the moment

Session 5 – Distress Tolerance 2

Radical acceptance. Accepting life as it is in the moment.

Session 6 – Interpersonal Effectiveness

How to get your needs met while maintaining both your self-respect and your relationships.

A short description of the Managing Emotions group for download or printing: