Depression is an illness characterized by extreme sadness. What once brought joy now seem flat and colourless. Changes in sleep and appetite, problems concentrating, distorted thinking, inappropriate guilt and thoughts of suicide are other common symptoms of depression. It can become intense enough to interfere with your ability to work, maintain relationships, and take care of yourself….read more.
Stress is an unavoidable part of life and we all feel overwhelmed from time to time. A certain amount of stress can be helpful in enhancing motivation and performance, but beyond this optimal level stress harms us physically and emotionally. The longer the source of the stress impacts us, the more likely we are to experience health problems such as headaches, insomnia, burnout, depression, anxiety, fatigue and heart disease. …. read more.
Self-esteem, self-confidence, self-compassion are all terms that describe an aspect of how we relate to ourselves. How we feel about ourselves determines how we treat ourselves and how others treat us in return. Our sense of self starts to develop when we are very young, and in reaction to how our caregivers respond to meeting our needs. While forming our identity, any interaction can enhance or diminish our sense of self. … read more.
Anger Management
Anger, the most misunderstood of all our emotions. We call it “bad”and we call it “negative”. In reality anger is just one of the many emotions that serve us. Anger is a messenger that warns us when our boundaries have been crossed or when we may need to defend ourselves against an attack on our mental or physical integrity. Anger can make us strong. It is our choice what we do with the energy of anger. …. read more.
Campanula Psychological Services offers 30 minute confidential consultations free of charge. You can book a consultation directly through the button below or initiate a conversation through email with the contact button. Whichever method feels best for you, reach out to begin developing a collaborative and personalized plan for reaching your goals.